Jay Harrill

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Business Network and Data Security and Support

Managed IT Services

Office: (704) 360-3640

Website: jh3ts.com

email: info@jh3ts.com

I’m here to take the stress out of IT so you can focus on running your business. In a nutshell, I solve IT problems and do my best to keep the bad guys out. I have over 25 years of IT experience starting with a corporate office that had only terminals with no processing power to latest and best Cybersecurity solutions available today.

As the owner of JH3 Tech Solutions, I strive to provide cost effective and proactive managed IT services to all of our current and future partners. I do not get caught up in all of the technical lingo and speak in everyday terms to help others understand their technology needs. I have worked at the corporate level and support many small businesses. Through all of these experiences I have developed excellent trouble-shooting skills, knowledge, and important industry relationships. I am sure JH3 can help your business grow and navigate the ever-changing IT landscape.

Expert IT Services and Support

Keeping up with technological advancements can be overwhelming, and network downtime is detrimental to your bottom line. JH3 Technology Solutions focuses on your technology components so you can focus on your business growth. Our experienced team works with you to guide your technology strategies, helping you align them with your business and process strategies.

Reliable and trustworthy IT advice, planning, and management services are what we aim to provide to our clients. At JH3, we provide:

  • Custom IT solutions that build on your current business and IT infrastructure.
  • High-level security structures that protect you and your employees.
  • User-focused tools that make implementing new systems easy.
  • Long-term management of IT systems and infrastructure.

We are the JH3 Cyber Warriors ready to help you with your IT Services!